
Junior: Writing Your Way Ahead In Advertising

A book for anyone interested in what it takes to survive your first few years in a creative advertising career. Or people in the industry who want a reminder of why they fell in love with it in the first place.


Hey, Thomas Kemeny here. I’m the author of this book and this website. Junior is the advertising book I wish I had starting out, written in a way I would’ve wanted to read. Unfortunately it didn’t exist, so I had to write it, get it designed, and find a publisher. When it was all done I thought, oh shit, I don’t have a time machine.

Published 2019 by powerHouse Books. Distributed by Simon & Schuster.
Foreword by Jeff Goodby.


What People Said On The Back Of The Book


Finally! A demonstration of ‘voice’ and ‘idea’ in simple, functional terms. His dissection of writing craft is insightful. Chapters 2 and 3 should be required reading for every junior writer.”

Lauren Ranke
Directory of Creative Recruiting
Wieden+Kennedy - Portland


This book is so f*cking good. Super charming, super smart, super funny. Almost makes me want to work in advertising again.

Justin Gignac
CEO and Co-founder,
Working Not Working

“Compulsively readable. It feels more like a conversation than a book. The experience of being a junior filtered through Kemeny’s recollections.”

David Kolbusz
Chief Creative Officer
Droga5 - London


If my older and wiser brother were an ad book, these would be his exact words. If he’d ask me to wash his filthy car every Sunday in exchange for his wisdom, I’d say 'No problem,' knowing I got the
better end of the deal.

Paul Malmstrom
Creative Chairman and Co-Founder
Mother USA

Foreword: Jeff Goodby
Book Design: Anna Kasnyik
Publisher: powerHouse Books
Photography: Lewis Winkle


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